Tuesday 7 March 2017

First date impression

First date are exciting but can be damn tricky, you usually don't know the person too well and don't always know what to expect. You are trying to impress her  without coming on too strong or even worse, looking desperate. To avoid awkward situations, check out our essential dos and don'ts:


  • The most important thing is being on time. Being late on a date can give a really bad first impression, especially if you do not know each other too well. If you running late, let your date know asap. The same should be expected of her.
  • Keep your hands to yourself. You might thinking that touching her a lot on the first date shows that you're really into her but you actually showing her that you are super-touchy on every first date. Touching should be limited and only natural, friendly and warm and not sexual.
  • Be honest and authentic. Dates are not business meetings or job interviews. While there are certain subjects you should avoid and it is recommended you let your best self shine, focus on having a good time like you would if you were meeting a friend.
  • Make it a two-way conversation. Sure, you have to tell her about yourself, but dominating the conversation by rambling about your life will make you look narcissistic. Or worse by not showing any interest in her, it can seem like you're just waiting for the date to be over so you can get her into your bed.


  • Try not to get her drunk. It's one thing to be generous, another to be obsessively top up her glass. Take a deep breath and relax, let her control her glass.
  • Suggest a first date at you place. It doesn't send a good message, unless you happen to live in an actual palace. Wait a date or two.
  • Don't be cheap. There's a huge difference between being frugal and being cheap. Frugal is scheduling lunch instead of a dinner date, but cheap is telling her you can't order dessert. If you're cheap with money, you're probably cheap with emotions and possibly in bed.
  • Talk about you ex. If a topic comes up and you can't help but mention them that's not so bad. changing the subject so you can rant about your "crazy bitch of an ex" is pretty my guy.
Image: Pinterest

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