Monday 22 May 2017

Sex for men

Sex has a lot more benefits than simply the feeling you get when it's coming to an end. The good feelings swirling around the brain during sexytimes are due to brain chemistry, specifically dopemine and opoid chemicals. But the greatness extends beyond our brains. It probably won't take much convincing to follow this general rule, but we think you should know it anyway, the more sex you have, the healthier you'll be. Not only can it help your general mood (where it reduces stress) but its proven that there are tangible ways sex slows down the aging process, fights disease, eases pain and even heals wounds.

Image: Favim

Most people learn the basics behind sex when our parents or sex teacher sit them down for a talk about where babies come from. And sure, sex is about reproduction. But it also has a number of pleasant side effects that aren't quite as well-know. Here are things (safe) sex can do for you.

  • Sex makes your heart strong 
You know she makes your heart go pitter-patter when she's coming over, but turns out, she's protecting your heart in other ways too. Men who have sex three or more times a week cut their heart attack and stroke risk in half.

  • Sex improves you mood
Sexy time keeps you in good spirits. In addition to relieving your stress from work and improving your self-esteem, sex can actually fend off depression by releasing those feel-good endorphins.

  • Sex ensures a good night's sleep
Getting laid is essential to your health, affecting everything from your mood to your weight. One way to ensure you get enough sleep? You guessed it, a roll in the hay. Oxytocin, the "love hormone" released when you come, is a natural sleep aid.

  • Sex decreases prostate Cancer risk
Having sex regularly may protect you from getting cancer later in life. A National Cancer Institute survey found that guys who averaged 21 ejaculations a month had a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer than those with just four or six ejaculations a month.

  • Sex keeps you fit
Trying to stay in shape? Look no further than the bedroom. In addition to strengthening your stomach, back and pelvic floor, a 15 minute romp torches about 100 calories. If we're talking a more intense, +- 45 minute long session, that burns about 385 calories. Talk about a total body workout.  
Image: Favim

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